Graphics Programming Conference (Banner)

What’s the difference between the industry and non-industry ticket? Which one should I use?

The difference is that the “industry ticket” is meant for industry visitors who can get reimbursed for their ticket by their company. If you’re working at a company, and this is a business trip for you, please get the industry ticket.
If you’re coming as an individual and you don’t get reimbursed (meaning, you also don’t need an invoice), the non-industry ticket is the right one for you.

Can I attend online? Is there live streaming?

No, there’s no live streaming, and you can only attend in person. We’ll try to make recordings available sometime after the conference.

Is there something to eat?

Yes! The ticket includes a lunch every day, and drinks on the third day!

Contact Us

Our team will be happy to hear from you if you have questions, suggestions or feedback for us. Drop us a line at